Belíssimo M600 2016! Nos EUA e a Pronta Entrega Para o Brasil
Total Time
Airframe Notes
950 total time since new
Annual Inspection performed August 2024
Aircraft exited the runway in 7/2017 and incurred a nose wheel collapse and prop strike. All parts affected were removed and replaced with factory new parts. Engine was replaced with a factory new engine. Propeller was replaced with a new 5 blade composite Hartzell propeller.
ELT Battery due November 2025
O2 Hydrostatic test due July 2027
Pitot Static check performed July 2024
Engine 1
Engine 1 Time
829 SNEW
Engine 1 TBO
Engine 1 Notes
829 Hours Since New PT6A-42A
Engine was replaced with new at 121 hours total time (7/2017)
Prop 1 Time
829 SNEW
Number of Blades
Prop Notes
829 Since New Hartzell 5 Blade Composite Propeller
Propeller was installed new 7/2017
Garmin 3000 Avionics Suite with Synthetic Vision
Dual GIA 63W WAAS Nav/ Com/ GPS
GFC 700 Integrated Flight Control System with AFCS Enabled, Yaw Dampener
Integrated Digital Cabin Pressurization, Flight Into Known Icing, Piper Factory Aire Conditioning, Yaw Dampener, USB Charging Ports, GT50 Clock and G-Meter
Other/Safety Features:
LED exterior and interior lighting, Autopilot Envelope Protection and Speed Protection, 110v power supply, built in inertial separator
Exterior Notes
Overall White with Blue Metallic, Black Metallic, and Silver Metallic Accents
Interior Notes
Sedona Leather interior with Brown Accents
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